WorldSkills Conference 2024 and Forum on Vocational Excelence Lyon, France
WorldSkills Conference 2024 and Forum on Vocational Excelence a very good oportunity for disseminate the results of KAAT and AVIONIC Erasmus+ projects coordinated by UNESCO Chair “Engineering for Society” of POLITEHNICA Bucharest.
Alegeri pentru Consiliul Departamentului
Digitalization and Sustainable Development in Air Transport: ERASMUS+ AVIONIC Project Report Highly Praised at Romanian Airports Directors Meeting in Poiana-Brasov

Today, 08.02.2024, during the Meeting of general directors of Romanian airports organized by RAA in Poiana Brasov, the Report “Occupations and qualifications generated by digitalization and sustainable development in the air transport” accomplished within ERASMUS+ Project AVIONIC was highly appreciated by representatives of Romanian airports, ROMATSA, Tarom, Menzis and also other stakeholders of air transports.
Working visit - UNESCO TVET2 Project
On November 21st, we had the distinct honor of hosting a delegation comprising esteemed representatives from various Iraqi technical and polytechnic universities, including dignitaries from the Iraqi Technical University, Alfurat Al-Awsat Technical University, Duhok Polytechnic University, Middle Technical University, Northern Technical University, Southern Technical University, and Sulaimani Polytechnic University. This gathering was orchestrated as part of the Television Education and Training 2 (TVET2) project, a collaborative initiative facilitated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The focus of these deliberations encompassed a spectrum of pertinent themes related to the internationalization of higher education, delving into aspects such as administrative processes, academic considerations, and the provision of support for an international student body.
We express our profound gratitude for the privilege of engaging in collaborative endeavors with these distinguished universities, thereby fortifying our ties with Iraq’s higher education community. Partnerships of an international nature, exemplified by this constructive interaction, afford us the opportunity to collectively strive towards shared objectives and contribute to a global impact of significance.

Airspace Integration Week in Madrid
The team of UNESCO Chair of National University for Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest participates in Airspace Integration Week Madrid to present the Chair’s results in training next generation of specialists for sustainable air transport. During this event, the results of AVIONIC Erasmus + Project which POLITEHNICA Bucharest runs together with Politehnica University of Madrid, University of Strasbourg, Menzies Aviation and Airport College International (Finland) will be presented.
For the presentation of the seminar please click on this link:Flightpath 2050
The presentation on Flightpath 2050 was enlightening, providing us with a comprehensive overview of the strategic plan’s objectives, progress, and future prospects. As esteemed members of the UNESCO Chair, we recognize the critical importance of sustainable aviation and its alignment with UNESCO’s mission to promote responsible practices across various sectors.
The session commenced with a deep dive into the key objectives of Flightpath 2050. We explored the ambitious goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 75%. The plan’s emphasis on innovative technologies, such as fuel-efficient aircraft, advanced engines, and improved aerodynamic design, underscored the need for advancements that align with the EU’s sustainability targets.
Additionally, the discussion revolved around Flightpath 2050’s commitment to reducing aircraft noise, considering its impact on the environment and communities. The session shed light on the significance of developing quieter aircraft designs and implementing effective noise mitigation measures, which aligns with UNESCO’s values of preserving cultural and environmental heritage.
Furthermore, the session highlighted the importance of enhancing air transport efficiency. By modernizing airport infrastructure, implementing advanced air traffic management systems, and fostering innovation and research, Flightpath 2050 strives to optimize routes, reduce congestion, and enhance overall efficiency.
Throughout the discussion, it became evident that implementing Flightpath 2050 requires collaboration and concerted efforts from all stakeholders. Airlines, airports, policymakers, researchers, and international organizations, including UNESCO, need to work together to overcome challenges and achieve the ambitious targets set forth by the plan.
The representatives of the UNESCO Chair, recognize the significance of Flightpath 2050 in shaping the future of sustainable aviation in Europe. By embracing this visionary plan, the representatives of the UNESCO team can contribute to a greener, more efficient, and environmentally conscious aviation sector. It aligns perfectly with UNESCO’s goals of promoting sustainable development, cultural understanding, and environmental stewardship.
The UNESCO Chair remains committed to supporting initiatives that drive sustainable development and create a positive impact on the global stage.
We thank you for the active participation, valuable contributions, and dedication to building a sustainable future for European aviation and beyond.
For the presentation of the seminar please click on this link: Fit for 55
The presentation on Fit for 55 was comprehensive, highlighting the objectives and initiatives proposed by the European Commission to achieve ambitious climate targets. The package aims to ensure that the EU fulfills its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030.
During the session, we had an engaging discussion on the various sustainable aviation initiatives presented in the Fit for 55 package. These initiatives are designed to transform the aviation industry and make it more environmentally friendly.
The first major topic of discussion was the inclusion of aviation in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). By extending the ETS to cover intra-European flights, a market-based mechanism is established to incentivize airlines to reduce their carbon emissions. This measure garnered significant attention as it provides a framework for emissions reduction and encourages airlines to adopt more sustainable practices.
Another focal point of our discussion was the promotion of sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). The package recognizes the crucial role that SAFs play in reducing the carbon footprint of aviation. The incentives and requirements presented will help drive the production and availability of SAFs, ensuring their compatibility with existing aircraft and infrastructure. This discussion highlighted the importance of collaboration between industry stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers to accelerate the development and adoption of SAFs.
The session also emphasized the need for research and development (R&D) and innovation in the aviation sector. The Fit for 55 package recognizes that advancing technology is vital in driving sustainable aviation forward. Participants discussed the importance of funding and support programs to encourage the development of new technologies, including electric and hybrid aircraft, and more efficient air traffic management systems.
As the session progressed, we acknowledged the impacts and challenges associated with implementing the Fit for 55 package in the aviation sector. It was recognized that meeting the emission reduction targets will require significant investments from airlines, airports, and other stakeholders. Affordability and availability of sustainable aviation fuels emerged as key challenges that need to be addressed collectively.
In conclusion, the session provided valuable insights into the Fit for 55 package and its implications for sustainable aviation in the EU. The discussions highlighted the importance of collaborative efforts between industry, policymakers, and researchers to drive the transformation towards a greener and more efficient aviation sector.
We express our gratitude to the presenters for their informative and thought-provoking session. The UNESCO Chair remains committed to promoting sustainability and driving positive change in the aviation industry.
Thank you all for your active participation and valuable contributions to today’s session.
For the presentation of the seminar please click on this link: ATAG Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Today, we have the privilege of gathering for a significant session of the UNESCO Chair, where we will engage in a fruitful discussion on the ATAG Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Aviation Fuel. This guide provides valuable insights into the importance of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and its role in fostering a more environmentally responsible aviation industry.
The presentation on the ATAG Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Aviation Fuel was enlightening and comprehensive, offering a detailed overview of SAF and its significance in achieving sustainability goals in aviation. As esteemed members of the UNESCO Chair, we recognize the critical importance of promoting sustainable practices across various sectors, including aviation.
During the session, we had a thoughtful discussion on the various aspects covered in the guide. We acknowledged that climate change poses significant challenges to the aviation industry, and reducing its carbon footprint is crucial for achieving global sustainability targets. The presentation highlighted the potential of sustainable aviation fuel as an effective solution to address this challenge.
The guide defined sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as a drop-in fuel made from sustainable feedstocks, including waste oils, agricultural residues, and non-food crops. It was emphasized that SAF can be used in existing aircraft and infrastructure without requiring major modifications, making it a practical and accessible option for reducing emissions.
The session also explored the numerous benefits of sustainable aviation fuel. We discussed how SAF significantly reduces lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions, leading to a lower carbon footprint for the aviation industry. Moreover, SAF has the potential to improve local air quality by reducing emissions of air pollutants, contributing to healthier communities around airports.
While acknowledging the progress made in SAF production, we recognized the need to scale up production to meet the growing demand. The session emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts between industry stakeholders, governments, and organizations like ATAG to promote investments, research, and development in sustainable aviation fuel production.
Future perspectives and challenges were also discussed during the session. Technological advancements, supportive policy frameworks, and raising public awareness were identified as key factors for the widespread adoption of SAF. It was agreed upon that continued collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential for overcoming challenges and accelerating the transition to a more sustainable aviation industry.
In conclusion, the session provided valuable insights into the ATAG Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Aviation Fuel, shedding light on the importance of adopting SAF and its potential to drive positive change in the aviation sector. The UNESCO Chair remains committed to supporting initiatives that promote sustainability, innovation, and collaboration in the aviation industry.
We extend our appreciation to the presenters for their informative and thought-provoking session. The UNESCO Chair will continue to work towards fostering sustainable practices and driving positive transformations in the aviation industry.
Thank you all for your active participation and valuable contributions to today’s session.
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It is our pleasure to announce the agreement for the UNESCO Chair "Engineering for Society" of UPB has been renewed.

Programele de masterat oferite de Catedra UNESCO se axează pe teme interdisciplinare specifice unei societăți digitalizate cu preocupări importante pentru dezvoltare sustenabila. Masterele oferă o înțelegere holostică a opțiunilor și metodelor tehnologice, abilitățile interdisciplinare și competentele necesare pentru a dezvolta, analiza și gestiona un transport aerian digitalizat și sustenabil, pentru dezvoltarea unor orașe inteligente. Programele de studii asigură o înțelegere solidă a opțiunilor și metodelor TIC applicate în aviație, a metodelor de reducere a impactului transporturilor asupra mediului precum și pentru conceperea unor proiecte de dezvoltare urbană inteligentă.
Absolvenții vor dobândi cunoștinte și abilitați în domeniul cercetării, al managementului tehnologic și al conducerii necesare pentru evoluția în carieră în industria transportului internațional modern și sustenabil. Absolvenții vor avea competențele necesare pentru o carieră în companii private naționale sau multinaționale precum și în organizații de reglementare din sectorul public implicate în proiectele de transport sau dezvoltare urbană.
Absolvenții vor avea numeroase oportunități de locuri de muncă provocatoare bazate pe cunoștinte și abilități interdisciplinare, cum ar fi: Chief data officer, Air transport data arhitect, Big data arhitect, Cybersecurity engineer, Virtualisation engineer, Data protection officer, Auditor, Responsible with digital data, Data scientist, Airport UI & UX designer, Growth hacker, Mechatronic engineer, Aviation software engineer, Smart cities manager, Smart technologies electrical engineer, Smart transportation systems specialist, Database engineer, Building management system engineer, Enviromental analyst, Pollution engineer, Enviromental protection professional, Transport operations manager, Specialist in smart transport technologies și Logistics management.